Jumaat, November 23, 2018


Solutions by Sector

The Security editorial team is bringing thought leaders together to discuss critical issues and solutions in these five key growth sectors: Education, retail, critical infrastructures, government and health care. 

Do you want to earn CPE credit? Attend one of the webinars listed below on the LIVE date to be eligible. 

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Workplace Violence Prevention Training Considerations for Healthcare Staff

Date: December 06, 2018

Time: 2:00pm EST

Earn: 0.1 IACET CEU and 1 ASIS CPE


May be eligible for ASIS CPE credit for CPP, PSP or PCI certifications. BNP Media is authorized by the IACET to offer 0.1 CEU for this program.

This program will focus on the issue of workplace violence in the healthcare industry, current trends regarding violence rates, root causes for these behaviors and unique factors present in healthcare and social assistance environments which can cause such behaviors. Common factors in behaviors of concern, appropriate techniques for de-escalating conflict and the spectrum of workplace violence from intimidation to active assailant will be reviewed. Legislative and regulatory issues will also be discussed including what content workplace violence training programs should consider in order to meet current OSHA requirements.

Learning Objectives:

Define workplace violence and understand types & sources of same.

Recognize the signs and symptoms of precursors to workplace violence events

Describe the OSHA General Duty Clause in relation to workplace violence events and the elements that are typically required in a successful WPV program

Explain how to protect yourself in the event of an active assailant/workplace violence situation 


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Training Future Digital Security Leaders

Date: January 22, 2019

Time: 2:00pm EST

Earn: 0.1 IACET CEU and 1 ASIS CPE


May be eligible for ASIS CPE credit for CPP, PSP or PCI certifications. BNP Media is authorized by the IACET to offer 0.1 CEU for this program.

The most significant risks that businesses today face is cybersecurity. George Finney, CISO at Southern Methodist University, will discuss how he trains students and faculty to be digital security leaders and how he finds and builds cybersecurity talent outside of traditional paths. Since cybersecurity is a people issue, we need to understand the underlying habits that govern our responses. This presentation will explore nine key cybersecurity habits, and will look at how you can use those habits to focus on changing behaviors in your security training. Join this session to tailor your approach to awareness training and have the greatest impact for all of your employees or customers.

Learning Objectives

Identify the necessarily skills to train security as a habit

Recognize the impact of culture to cybersecurity and discover techniques to create a culture of cybersecurity

Explain how to adopt a coaching mindset to help empower users and encourage ownership

Identify how to apply psychology and neuroscience to help make people more cyber secure


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